1 Samuel 1:27 For this child I prayed; and the LORD hath given me my petition which I asked of him



Our Adoption Story

Levi was born on April 21, 2007 in Chinautla, Guatemala, a small town known for pottery. He weighed 6.7 pounds and was 19.7 inches long. He was in private foster care in Guatemala City where he lived for 10 1/2 months with his foster mom, her son and daughter and Isaac, his foster brother. Throughout our difficult adoption journey, Isaac's mom, Nancy and I became very good friends. God placed our boys together and had the perfect plan in place long before we ever realized it. When I was undecided on an adoption agency, I joined an online forum where Nancy provided me with information about her agency and recommended them to us. We decided to sign with the same agency and I emailed Nancy back to let her know. Over a few months we emailed back and forth to learn we were both from TN and lived only 30 minutes apart... we thought wow, it's a small world. Little did we know a few months later we'd both get referrals, earlier than we expected, of 2 beautiful Guatemalan angels. When they turned 2 months old our agency called and decided it was time to tell us that they were in the same foster home together and had been since they were 1 day old. We were amazed they were together. Even more so, God amazed us once again when we learned shortly after that they were born on the same day and were from the same town... no longer a coincidence that was for sure. We were being told by the foster mom how attached they were and acted like brothers. But, Nancy and I got the chance in January '08 to go to visit them and see it for ourselves. It was an amazing time of bonding with our boys that we will never forget. After that trip it seemed when one of us would reach a roadblock in the crazy process of international adoption the other would be delayed with something else. We stayed right together until the very day we picked them both up. We had our US Embassy appts the same day and we flew home through Atlanta on the same flight on March 11, 2008 when they both entered the US as citizens! It was an awesome time for us in the Atlanta Airport when we rec'd the congrats they were official! We've made friends for life with Nancy, Eric, and with Isaac's extended families. We look forward to many years of watching them both grow up so close together. Over the past year, as we went through battle after battle to bring our boys home, Nancy and I both would never think of one without the other in our endless prayers to keep them safe, happy and healthy until they could be home with their forever families. We're finally parents and it's what we've both waited for, for so many years.. our families are finally complete!!!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Heading to Guatemala~Pray for us as we travel

Just wanted to post that later tonight we'll be headed to the airport for our trip to Guatemala to see Levi and Isaac. Nancy and I are flying out of Tri Cities to Orlando, Atlanta, then to Guatemala. We'll arrive there in Guatemala City Friday at 12:39pm Guatemala time. They are one hour behind us (EST). The foster mother will be bringing the boys to meet us at our hotel around 1:30pm. We have to make every minute count because we only have a few days with them but, we'll try and post on our blogs if we have the chance. If not, his daddy can post some updates to let everyone at home know we're ok. Please pray for us that our boys will be at peace with us, knowing we love them and not miss the family they have known for so long too bad while they're with us, for our safety as we travel to and from the airport but, mainly while we have the boys out taking them to the pediatrician with the adoption attorney's escort. It is the weekend that all the "extra people" start coming in for the Presidential Inauguration on Monday, the day we leave. I can imagine things will be a little chaotic (traffic, security, all the extra people attending, etc..) Steve and I both are dreading being apart after all these years of never being apart in 15 yrs. It has really set in now fr both of us and I can't and won't even try to explain how bad this part of the whole trip is for us both. Call it crazy if you want but, we're just closer than the average couple and we spend every minute together most of the time and don't mind it a bit so far. I'll miss him like crazy! I'll be connecting with him by webcam and he'll be able to see his son the next best way. He's thought this is what I needed to do since the beginning was to go see Levi and see for myself that he's ok and bond with him as much as I can while I am there. Just pray for us all. Will keep you posted. - Tracy (aka Levi's mommy)


Gail said...

I hope you and Nancy have safe travel and a wonderful visit.

Naomi said...

Tracy and Nancy my prayers are with you both that you will be safe and get to bring our babies home very soon. Love you to Levi ,Aunt Naomi

memawk said...

This is the 1st time I've seen your site. I enjoyed reading your journal's. I know you all are tired, and with your boy's right now. I have prayed all day.
Have a wonderful time with your boys, take turns resting when you can. Know you have a lot of love and prayers at home. Give Isaac and Levi a hug from us. Kay and Doug (Nancy's parents)

memawk said...

I know you all are tired,take turns resting when you can. Give the boys hugs from us. We have prayed many times today for your trip to be very successful, I know it will be just being with them.Kay and Doug (Nancy's Parents)

Jennifer said...

Tracy, Have a beautiful time with your son! Your family is in our prayers.

Naomi said...

God bless you both on your journey to visit your children,bring them home soon and H_BDAY Tracy I love you .Kiss Levi for Aunt Naomi